A little about Farrell & Stacy Steiner
We have six children and twenty-two grandchildren whom we love dearly. We love going to the mountains and we have enjoyed many adventures with our family in the outdoors. These activities have included hiking, skiing, rock hunting, exploring, cycling, camping and various sports.
Music has been an important part of our lives. Stacy is an accomplished pianist and Farrell enjoys photography as a serious hobby. Stacy studied piano pedagogy at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah and has taught private piano lessons for over 30 years.
Farrell enjoyed serving as past chair of the Idaho Society of Certified Public Accountants and as past Council Member representing Idaho CPA’s for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. This opportunity has taken him and Stacy to various parts of the United States where we have met many wonderful people and we find new friends wherever we have traveled.
We love learning about different cultures and love exploring beyond the main highways and really getting to know the local populace.
Our faith is an important part of our lives. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Farrell served a two-year mission to the England London South Mission in the 1970’s and he got to see Queen Elizabeth II ride in her golden carriage along with the other members of the Royal Family for the Queen’s 25 th year celebration of her reign as Queen. Farrell and Stacy have returned to the UK three times and have loved each opportunity.
Now that we are retired, we have decided to dedicate the next two years to Christ’s service. We have been assigned to the Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints and have been specifically been assigned to participate in humanitarian service for LDS Charities in Tanzania, a non-denominational charitable organization associated with the church.
We are excited to share our experiences for the next twenty-three months where we will be specifically involved in self-reliance training, and partnering with organizations such as Unicef, the World Health Organization, Rotary International, the Red Cross and other reputable organizations, and local communities in providing opportunities in sustainable agriculture, immunizations, clean water, access for those with various disabilities and education. We are going to do our best to learn the Swahili language and become one with those with whom we serve.
Continuing with this blog will be a summary of our adventures. We will try in some small way to bring the sites, sounds, smells and emotions of this great country. As a photographer, I am way excited to try to capture the emotions of the people we serve and the beauty of this country which includes the Serengeti and Mount Kilimanjaro.