August 22 2023

These weeks go by so fast. Each week we have new adventures.  Last week, we stopped at the gas station to get gas and when the attendant finished filling it, I tried to start the car and it would not start.  It turns out that this is the third time, even after going and having the battery checked a few days ago.  Anyway, for the adventure.  People hardly ever have cars and especially don’t have jumper cables.   The gas attendants tried to see if our car would start and then I had a thought to check in the back of our rental car.  Well, there were cables, sort of.  

Imagine jumper cables without the clamps on each end, just bare exposed wires. Yep, that was our cables, so yes, they connected bare wires around on battery in the good vehicle and touched the bare wires on the dead battery and banged on something in the engine with a small wrench and the car started.  We had the battery checked and everything checked out fine, so we drove to different areas, but then again yesterday we left our apartment and tried to start the car and it was dead again. Hopefully it will start tomorrow.

We had a District church conference yesterday and today. Stacy got to be the organist and I got to sing in the choir.  I didn’t realize that I really stood out until I saw a video of the choir and I realized that not only was I the only white person in the choir, but I was significantly taller than most of them also.  No matter what, it was so fun to sing with them.  They love to sing and doing it all in Swahili was even more special.

Many of these members are so new in the gospel and come with great sacrifice.  One good brother today was so excited to see us. His wife is not a member and she destroys his white shirts to keep him from coming to church, but he just came with his white t shirt.  Another person at church last week had no shoes and some have no shoelaces, or just shoes that they find somewhere.  Many travel by bus, walk or find whatever source they can to come to church, some today came from an hour away to be there.

We love our African friends, (warafiki, I believe).  I heard a quote this week which had an impact on my perspective on life.  It was, “Americans have watches, but Africans have time”.  That really shares the reality of these beautiful people whom we are growing to love so much.

Other adventures this week included taking a walk through various streets and seeing daily life in the outskirts of the city with very simple shops and people trying in every way possible to earn a shilling or two to get food for their families.  Usually cooking over charcoal outside and a simple cloth for a door.  We also saw our first rat while walking around.  Not quite as cute as “Templeton” in Charlotte’s Web!


A meal was served for about 80 people at the family history activity. We are realizing that these big Dutch oven pots are what they use to cook the rice. They also served chicken, one piece of fruit and a little bit of a coleslaw salad. The food was good. We were also impressed with how the youth are so involved in helping set up and clean up. For the meeting, We were asked to share our testimonies, I accompanied the songs and later we helped with a game. We had them play Pictionary, using words with family history, and also charades. It was really fun watching the children get into the acting. They got to pretend they were helping someone, show how they could help clean the house, and help make dinner. They were creative and enjoyed it. When making a meal, All of the little children started to pretend they were making ugala, it is made from cornmeal. We have not eaten this yet, but want too.

Picture of a family at the family history day activity

This was at the family history activity day, and we just couldn’t get this little guy to smile. Some of these little ones are just not sure what to think of us.

There many fruit stands where you can purchase fruit. Our favorite fruit is mango and pineapple. We also get bananas, tomatoes, and avocados. We wash the fruit with a little bit of water and alittle bit of bleach.

This road is paved many are not.


As we walked down the road, we saw this father and his little son.

A family owned sewing shop. They showed us some of what they make and it was very well done. Notice the sewing machines. Most of these shops are 8-10 feet wide, some less.

As we passed these children, We waved and said hi, walking on then turning around and seeing them continuing to wave, smiling and saying hi, it is always fun to see the children.

This is a woman that we met on our walk. She was very friendly and enjoyed visiting with her as we walked along. After abit Farrell calmly said. “There is a rat.” It was dead and was about 10 to 12 inches long including the tail. We just kept walking. Another adventure in Tanzania.

There are colorful buses and trucks here

This is a road behind the building the church rents. We see women often carrying their babies this way.

We had the opportunity to go visit a Branch president, (he lives about 50 minutes away, )about a possible water project. The traffic was good and we got there early. We really enjoyed taking time and walking around the streets. and neighborhoods with their shops and houses. The people were so friendly. We saw this father and son earlier and have included that picture also. When we saw them again, we asked if we could take their picture. Liked the look of a proud father with his young trusting son.


We have an opportunity to teach a Missionary prep class and institute class for the youth and single adults. They are a lot of fun. They are engaged in learning the gospel, and also became very engaged in playing our game following our class : paper, rock, and scissors. Farrell remembered playing this game with the youth years ago. It was a big hit. It was exciting especially when none of them knew how to play this, but became competitive very quickly.

These two sisters are twins. They were delightful and shared how excited they were to be able to go to the temple, the first of July 2023. They were baptized about 20 years ago.

We were invited to a branch family history activity with one of the branches. There are 12 in this district. This branch had focused on family history throughout the month and this was their all day activity. It was nice getting to meet some of the people.

One of the choir directors and his brother. It was really enjoyable being a part of the choir for the district conference.

Some of the Young women who attended District conference. Their families live a little more than an hour away. Very few members have vehicles here.

Our first meal with one of the Branches. Rice and chicken, which everyone eats with their fingers, right hand only!


Mom got to play the organ for District Conference today and I got to sing with the choir. Guess which one is me? This was so fun . We love our new friends.

Charades game

Sunrise walk along the coast of the Indian Ocean with the other senior missionary couples.


Sept. 12 2023


Getting to Africa