Jan. 21 2024
Hello everyone,
We pray everything is okay with you. Time goes by so fast and each day seems to bring an unexpected adventure. Here’s a quick update on the last week or two.
Today as we drove to church, we got caught in the worst rain storm we have ever been in. The wind was blowing sheets of rain across the peninsula. The rain drainage troughs on the sides of the road are at least three feet deep and about two or three to five feet wide, yet they were full and overflowing through the roads and housing areas with dirt paths between homes. We drove through water flooding across the main highways up to our bumper and pictures we saw from people shows people holding tin sheets across their doorways trying to keep water from going into their simple homes. Lightning and thunder were nonstop and one soccer field had flooding to nearly the top of the goals. One missionary companionship had to come to church a different way because the small bridge they usually crossed which went across a gap about 15 feet deep, had flood water up to their waists.
The amazing thing is that when we got to church, the power was out and only a tiny little group of saints were in attendance and yet, we started on time with no power and no organ, in the dark, but filled with the light of Christ in our hearts. We sang the hymns and had the sacrament in the dark and not one complaint was heard. We love these resilient people.
We have been busy with two hospital projects that are starting and we are amazed at how the construction workers work so very hard, digging foundation trenches, carrying cement blocks and carrying buckets of cement by hand, brick by brick, trench by trench; even cutting out trees and roots by hand. Our contractors have been so good to work with.
We are excited!! Elder Stevenson, from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will be coming to Tanzania on February 15, 2024 for a day. We get to start by having him tour the Makuburi Health Center project and we are trying to get the Government Officials to come and meet him. Afterward, he will visit a seminary class being taught by a counselor in the Tebata Branch Presidency. There are only a few members in the class, yet nearly 90 to over 100 youth are attending. The youth are amazing and as we teach the young adults, we are assured that the church is in good hands with these faithful young people who are sacrificing so much for the gospel.
After the hospital project, and seminary visit, we will have lunch and then have a meeting with the missionaries, and later in the afternoon with the members of the Districts in Dar es Salaam. Can you imagine how excited these members are to have an Apostle come to visit them, and we are so blessed to be able to spend time with him. Elder Stevenson will be accompanied by Elder Ardern and other leaders of the church from the Central Africa Area and local leaders.
In addition to humanitarian work, Stacy is busy teaching piano lessons to a few members who are absolutely loving being taught how to play. She also plays the organ for the two districts here in Dar es Salaam and for both branches of the church that we attend. (When the power is on)
We are filled with gratitude when we see the love and support from our friends and family, and we are in awe as we know we are lifted beyond our own personal capacity, and protected in miraculous ways from harm and danger.
We cannot doubt that this is God’s work and that the Savior has suffered for the pains and afflictions of every one of us regardless of our circumstances. Peace, which can only come from the Savior is available to all. We know this is true.
These are two of my piano students. They are so excited to be learning how to play the piano and work hard. Scheduling is alot more difficult here but we are flexible and the students do the best that they can. I enjoy working with them.
Farrell and I walked early this morning. He showed me when we got home this banana tree, I was surprised because I had not realized that we had one, I had never seen it. We have lived here 7 months and not seen it. I realized that it can be the same for me seeing the hand of God in my life. Do I get too busy or distracted with many things, that I do not see His hand in my life, those little and big tender mercies that He chooses to send me.
We are enjoying attending the Ubungo and Tabata branches and getting to know the people.
Construction site, of health center.
Things are done differently here. Remember also that it is so hot and humid here.
Construction site for another health center. This health center is getting a 2nd floor constructed. This facility is in a poverty level area that services over 100,000 people. Last year the church added a ramp to access the first floor and now the facility will expand to add this additional floor. It will be so beneficial. It is good, we are getting to know some contractors and medical directors. We appreciate what they do.
The children here are so adorable. After getting her Mother’s permission to take her pic, this little one wss not sure about me.
Our dear friends, Lula and Pres. Rabona invited us for lunch. It was delicious, with chapati, baked chicken, fresh sliced veggies, watermelon, beef stew, and potato rounds. They are so gracious, loving and kind. Farrell and I are so impressed with their faith in Jesus Christ and His Gospel. Pres. Rabona is our District President. I asked for him to share his conversion story. When they were newly married, Lula was already a member. Pres. Rabona eventually wanted to join but didn’t know if he could give up drinking his wine from Italy. Lulu loves flowers and she told him if he would pour the wine over the flowers in the garden they would really grow well. He believed her and wanting her to be happy with more flowers he took all of the fancy bottles of wine and poured them over the flowers. He said that she was surprised that he did it. But it worked, not more flowers but after one week he had no desire to drink anymore. They make me smile. Lula loves teaching the Seminary students.
Pres. And Sis. Rabona
A warm hug. She also gave me a bracelet. ❤️
Farrell enjoying sharing pictures with Latifa. She doesn’t speak much English so we did our best with our limited Swahili and pictures of grandchildren.
Dar es Salaam District Conference
“Let us all Press On “ this is truly the theme here as these people continue to learn, grow and serve. The other choir song was “I’m a Disciple of Christ.” This is the theme for the YW & YM in the church. It has also been chosen for our area. The choir enjoyed the song.
School visits